With this Christmas Card we want to say "thank you" to our
family, our friends, colleagues, and everyone else who joins us for longer
or shorter distances along the road called "life". We wish you
all a Merry Christmas and all the best for the year 2007.
(16) has started her first year at Knarvik high school. She enjoys school
very much. We are lucky to have her at home, and that she brings friends
over from time to time. She still enjoys sewing. In the picture she is
working on a new dancing outfit for her brother, Magnar. You can see the
result in the picture below. In May Ingrid went on a long bus trip to
Poland and Germany with her class, to visit historical sites and learn
about the horrors of the Second World War. Mammy and daddy went along.
This year Ingrid went to no less than three summer camps; Action, Arena
and Link. For New-Year she will go to Explore, the fourth camp this year.
Together with Magnar, she leads the confirmants' "out-door group",
where they do camping, hiking, climbing, etc. Ingrid is the family's communicator.
In December she was responsible for the sermon in Church, when it was
re-opened after a major remodelling project.
(19) attends his final year in high school. He is still wondering what
path to take next year. In his spare time he "plays on the computer",
just like his daddy. He is web master for www.dynaplan.no,
daddy's company site. Together with his big sister, Solbjørg, Magnar
dances at BSI, where they are also instructors for beginner classes in
boogie woogie (swing). They even take part in competitions and perform
in shows - while keeping their level of ambition at: "just-for-fun".
This year Magnar went to London together with good friends, and later
he visited Newcastle with his class. In the summer we managed to travel
together as a family, all five of us. The trip went to Risør, where
we attended Eivind and Ivar's confirmations. It was great fun to experience
a real family trip again, as it brought back good memories from many such
travels from the time when the children were just babies and until now.
Solbjørg (22) has passed the first mile stones of her medical
studies. Anatomy was a challenge, she claims. Physiology, however, is
possible to understand logically, putting the anotomy into context. Good
for her! This fall she went to Egypt to visit a friend and to typical
"Egypt things", such as camel riding and pyramid viewing. Solbjørg
works part time at a home for elderly people and she is a guide at the
"Knowledge Centre" (Vitensenteret) in Bergen. This way she can
make some extra money to spend on travels; her favourite undertaking.
Yesterday she broke the news that she's got a boyfriend! He is a technology
student in Trondheim. She did not tell us much more about him, except
that he has the funniest looking pair of skis (what is that supposed to
mean)? We think he is bright, though, because we can hardly read his handwriting
teaches first grade. Her work is quite challenging, in many different
ways. New guidelines from the government means that every child should
get significantly more individual follow-up. The working day often lasts
until late night, and in the week-ends Astrid often goes back to work.
She is still a leader of the confirmants' sports-group. Next year she
will no longer be leader of the children's group she has been co-responsible
for since many years. Maybe this will give here some more time for her
favorite hobby, which is to sit down and enjoy a good book.
is occupied with Dynaplan, his computer
software company. In the past year, Dynaplan's new technology, SMIA (Structured
Modelling - Interactive Analysis), has been used with promising results
in several projects together with key customers. The progress on Magne's
PhD thesis has been slow this year, as the company has taken most of his
time. The office hours often get quite long. When Magne needs a break,
he usually takes his bike for a ride. The picture is taken minutes before
the annual race from Bergen to Voss, a 170 km trip over mountains and
along beautiful fjords. This fall Magne has experiences some minor back
pains, so the amount of training has been reduces for a while. In
his spare time Magne works mainly with church-related tasks, such as technology-group
for the confirmants. For a long time he has been working hard to plan
and get approval for some important changes to the old church. The requirements
to a church building are quite different now than they were 115 years
ago, when the church was built. It was a great day for Magne to experience
the re-opening of the church on December 10th, after the successful completion
of a major renovation project that makes the church more accessible and
user friendly for the congregation. (You can click on the floor plan above
in order to see the changes that were made).
We wish you all a blessed Christmas holiday and all the
best for 2007.
- Magne, Astrid, Solbjørg Makalani, Magnar and Ingrid.