Dear all
It's 21th of December and the family is on Radøy together. Inside is cozy, and almost all the Christmas decorations are up. Outside it is snowy, with wood and nails spread around. Not necessarily the most Christmassy, but as mum and dad are enlarging their house at the moment, this is how we roll :)
Ingrid playing in a chapel on fields of Betlehem
Hi, I am Ingrid and I am 22 years old. I am totally excited about Christmas, and I doubt I have ever looked this much towards time off. It has been a while since last time, as I studied in Israel this summer. I'll soon be a theologian now! However, it will be postponed a bit further as Jørgen and I will attend a Bible School in the USA the coming fall. (The same Jørgen warmly described in last year's Christmas letter – and he is just as good looking now. If not even better :D). A few months ago, together with 7 others from the Christian Student Group (IFES) in Bergen, I visited Kyrgyzstan. We got to know the people working in IFES there, attended a conference and were tourists — riding around the mountains. That part was pretty scary — the mountainsides just off the road were deadly steep and the horses were crazy. This spring I will start working for the IFES in Bergen. A very Merry Christmas to all of you!
Solbjørg hiking a volcano on Hawaii
Hi everybody! Now it is Solbjørg Makalani's turn. I see that Ingrid inform you on age... I'll skip that part, and focus on other stuff. I finished my studies last fall, and have had a wonderful time ever since. Together with the family, we visited Magnar in Hong Crazy Kong. Then I went hiking for three weeks with a friend of mine in the Himalayas, Nepal. That was the best, however coldest, holiday ever. We also visited Hawaii and went skiing in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Since April I have been working as a PhD-student at the University of Bergen. My project is exciting, the supervision great, and my colleagues funny and friendly. I love my work. My friends and I also do a lot of sports. For instance I am part of a rather special swimming club (Morning-swimming for the Young and Beautiful) and in August my brother, father, and I participated in a triathlon. As the only team not disqualified, we won our class ;) Well, that was more than enough from me, Merry Christmas!
Morning-swimming for the Young and Beautiful
This is Magnar writing. My first 5 months of 2012 were enjoyed in Asia. I have spent a year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, with lots of culture and new experiences. Sometimes I even took some time off to study. Getting to know and live among people acting and thinking differently from what I am used to has truly been great. But now I am very happy being back in Norway :) A few highlights from this fall should be mentioned. First, I got the honor of being my best friend's best man at his wedding. Triathlon has already been mentioned. Further I have started going to the church Norkirken Bergen, where I really feel like I belong. I have also been working a lot as a photographer this fall — always exciting. Next semester I will start my masters in Algorithms at the University of Bergen. Thanks for a great 2012, and Merry Christmas!
Made in Hong Kong
Mum and dad have as usual been getting around a lot this year. They have tried chicken feet and tendons in Hong Kong, and have been paddling and swimming in lagoons in Thailand. Dad has also attended a biking sports camp in Spain. When not traveling, they work. Mum does a wonderful job as a teacher, and dad's company is growing. We love coming home. Mum makes room for anybody, and we enjoy incredible amounts of great food and word games. Sometimes they also come to Bergen — that we really like :)
The year has been good for all five of us. We are relieved the world is still standing and looking towards hopefully seeing you in 2013. We wish you a blessed Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year.